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Yayasan Kura Kura
Due to the complexity of transports and conditions, the Brno Zoo decided to become a patron and companion to build a unique Czech rescue project in Indonesia, which is just about protecting endangered species of turtles. Together with the Indonesian non-profit organization Kura Kura Nusa Penida, under the auspices of UCSZOO (Union of Czech and Slovak Zoos), she began building a rescue and training centre for the protection and reintroduction of endangered Indonesia turtles on Nusa Penida Island, located near Bali Island in Indonesia.
This project was born out of the idea of the EAZA campaign (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums), which was just about saving the endangered turtles. This campaign was called “ShellShock” and was launched on September 22, 2004, at the annual EAZA conference in Kolmarden, Sweden. During the following year, the European zoo collected more than 250,000 euros for turtle rescue projects. Zoos play an irreplaceable role in saving turtles endangered by turtles!
Zoo Brno took over twenty turtles of two very rare species, which customs officers confiscated smugglers in Hong Kong in December 2011. About 10,000 turtles were confiscated, the market price of the shipment was $ 3,200,000. Turtle heroines, who survived the cruel transport conditions, now happily live in the expositions of the Tropical Kingdom pavilion.
Due to the complexity of transports and conditions, the Brno Zoo decided to become a patron and companion to build a unique Czech rescue project in Indonesia, which is just about protecting endangered species of turtles. Together with the Indonesian non-profit organization Kura Kura Nusa Penida, under the auspices of UCSZOO (Union of Czech and Slovak Zoos), she began building a rescue and training centre for the protection and reintroduction of endangered Indonesia turtles on Nusa Penida Island, located near Bali Island in Indonesia.
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